60-80% of IT projects fail.
- cost too much
- took to Long
- didn't complete their goals
Business Drivers (Business in Motion) -> CEO (Business Strategy & Goals) -> CIO Role & IT + Bisiness Domain Role & IT -> IT Technology (Acquisition, Development, Implementation)
-> Entreprise Mission/Vision (Why/Purpose/Values - Anchored)
-> Strategic Plan: Executive Level (What/The Plan - Dynamic & Transformational)
-> Implementation Business Unit Plans> Middle Management (How/Strategy Implementation - New & Motified Business Processes)
Suply Chain 2000-2011: JIT
fewer suppliers
off-shore suppliers
maintain minimum inventory
1990s: Build to Stock to Build to Order
eliminate distribution centers and retailers
globalization, real time economy, technology disruption, the life cycle (driver level)
new strategies + new business processes (business transformation level)
IT applications & infrastructure + people enable business transformation (enabling level)
The Change Environment
- As Is: the world we know.. status quo, daily processes, repeatable, familiar, predictable outcome
- To be: blueprint for the future, new business process models, unfamiliar/uncomfortable, unknown outcome
- The transformation journey: path of survival/extinction, success/failure, path never traveled before
Causes of IT Failure:
- Technology
- Leadership
- Business Process
Economic Constraints:
- Scarcity: tension between unlimited wants and limited resources
- Opportunity Cost
- Law of Comparative Advantage: focus scarse resources on what you do best
IT Backlog: projects that we need to do, but not the time, talent, resources to do it now
Business must transform itself Moving from "As is" to "To be"
Last updated on 1/23/2025