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Chapter 3

Models of human behaviour

  • What are humans and how do humans behave?
  • What are the drivers of human behaviour?

3 models: Economic, Socialogical and Psychological

Economic Model

  • People make rational and deliberate choices to maximize their utility
  • Main motivator for time and effort is to receive monetary payments
  • very calculative in how much effort and time they put in, in return for the money they can earn

Agency theory

  • How to avoid dysfunctional behaviour?

Use a contract that makes the agent work in the best interest of themselves AND the principal.

  • When there is no external uncertainty:

A simple pay-for-performance contract

  • If external uncertainty is high:

and the agent is averse, the optimal contract may include a higher proportion of fixed pay

Performance metrics coupled with monetary rewards are an example of output controls.

Three principles

Principle 1: MCS should motivate managers and employees by goals and rewards.

Principle 2: MCS should consider managerial and employee abilities and inabilities.

Principle 3: MCS should support a healthy, social and ethical environment.

  • Informal processes: communication, decision-making, conflict resolution
  • Culture matters: values, norms, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors
  • Social values matter: respect, trust, loyalty, fairness, equality
  • Ethics matter: integrity, honesty, responsibility, accountability

National Culture

  • Individual rewards and individualistic countries (e.g. the United States)
  • Decentralization and equality (e.g. Scandinavia)
  • Subjective evaluation and uncertainty avoidance (e.g. Japan)

Hofstede Model Image Hofstede Model Image

Individualism vs CollectivismPeople feel independent or member of a group
Uncertainty avoidanceUncertainty and ambiguity are appreciated and accepted
Masculinity vs FemininityOutings of explicit power and competition and positively valued
Power distanceLess powerful members accept that power is distributed unequally
Long vs short term orientationThe future and past are seen as dynamic vs static
Indulgence vs RestraintPeople prefer to be free in what they do and prefer and prefer to follow their impulses

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