FOREX = Foreign Currency Exchange Market / International Currency Markets
- Global market for currencies
- Decentrialised
- 5 days/week, 24 hours
- World largest markets
- $6.6 trillion / day
- Managing foreign exchange for PROFITABILITY AND LIQUIDITY
- Appreciation & Depreciation
Currency moment is critical in business strategic planning and control.
- Interprate exchange rate
- Understand how it works
- Use tools to manage currencies
- Bretten Woods Agreement - Gold was the basis of the U.S. dollar
- Gold Standard - Gold became the fixed money unit
- FIAT Currencies - Money not backed by any commodities
- US Dollar - Petrodollar - US Dollar is backed by petrol
- US Dollar (USD)
- Euro (EUR)
- British Pound Sterling (GBP)
- Japanese Yen (JPY)
- Swiss Franc (CFH)
What do traders do?
- Use the exchange rates to their advantage
- Predict economic events to buy low and sell high
- Currencies are determined by supply & demand
What are currencies ?
- Value = comparison of one currency with another currency with the exchange rate (EUR/USD)
- Currencies don't fall/rise independtly of another other
- If dollar crashes, euro increases
Bid & Ask Prices
Bid Price -> buy a specific pair from you (YOU SELL TO THEM)
Offer Price -> sell a specific pair to you (YOU BUY FROM THEM)
Bid/Offer spread -> difference between buying price and selling price
Affected by
- Economic policy- fiscal policy - monetary policy
- Economic conditions- Inflation = high -> > DEPRECIATION - Inflation = lower -> APPRECIATION - Interest rates = lower -> MORE BORROWING , and therefore more spending which increases inflation - Interest rates = higher -> LESS BORROWING, and therefore less spending which decreases inflation - Political stability - Market psychology
Interest rates
Depends on:- GDP growth rates
- Inflationary trends
- Agricultural output
- International trade balance
- Exchange rate policies
- Capital market shares
- CPI (Consumer Price Index)
- Retail Sales
- Supply & Demand
Political stability and turmoil
- Wary of politically unstable countries
- Pulling money from a country -> depreciation
- Investing in stable countries
- US Dollar = "safe-heaven"
- US Dollar does not depreciate even during turmoil
Market Psychology
- Investors invest depending on one's behavior
- Results in market being OVERSOLD OR OVERBOUGHT
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