International Trade
It can be influenced by:
- Currencies
- Governments
- Judicial systems
- Laws
- Markets
International trades more often between companies rather than nations
International trades increases:
- Volume of traded products
- Geographical range of markets
- Diversity of products
- Delivery speed (longer to deliver)
- Complexity of trade routes
In an exchange, middlemen are essentials: wholesalers, transporation services, provider of market information, ...
After the discovery of oil in 1850, International Trade increased exponentially.
In 1950: US$289 billion
In 2019: US$20 trillion
International Trade offers a range of opportunities:
- Raising income (valorizing work)
- Creating jobs (workforce is needed)
- Reducing price
- Workers' earning power
The global economy is interconnected with international trade:
- When trade decreases -> jobs & businesses are lost
- Globalization is a benefit of international trade
- International trade can also have devastating effects
International Trade can cause economic & social disruption
Why export ?
- Production surplus (having more produced goods than needed)
- Sell domestic products to countries at a higher price than the local price
- Earn foreign currency (USD)
Why import ?
- Faster, cheaper, better qualit, mutual gains, opportunity cost
- To buy essential goods and services or attractive products that are not available domestically
- Goods that satisfy domestic needs
- Products that are cheaper than producing domestically
- More efficient to import rather than producing domestically
- (1) Identify buyers (potential market)
- (2) Find low skill labour country
- (3) Find country with abundance of Capital (tend to specialize)
- (4) Efficiency and reduce competitions
- No country specializes in the export of a single product
- All countries produce at least some goods and services
- Lower income countries might produce more efficiently
Trade Balance
- Difference between imports and exports
Trade deficit =
- sign of economic weakness
- less domestic production & jobs
- risk of economic crisis
Manipulating International Trade
- wide array of economic, political, diplomatic objectives
- globalization (global trade flows, economic growth and prosperity)
- Trade Agreements: EU/NAFTA
- Governments regulate/deregulate trade
How ?
- restricting imports
- encouraging exports
- Tarrifs: import taxes => government revenues
- Quotas: quantitative restrictions
- protecting health or satefy (COVID-19)
- economic sanctions
- export subsidies: supporting export producer s
Consequences of trade restrictions
- Costs: raising price of imported goods
- tax on domestic consumers
- quotas, tariffs, subsidies
- Discourage to import
- Less incentive to improve
- Impediments to development efforts
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